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Google OAuth Flow

This document outlines the process for implementing the Google OAuth flow.


The Google OAuth flow allows your application to securely access Google APIs on behalf of a user. The process involves the following steps:

  1. User Authorization: Redirect the user to the Google authorization server.
  2. User Consent: The user grants permissions.
  3. Authorization Code: An authorization code is returned after successful consent.
  4. Token Exchange: Exchange the authorization code for an access token (and a refresh token when requesting offline access).
  5. Access APIs: Use the access token to interact with Google APIs, and use the refresh token to obtain new access tokens as needed.

Implementation Details

  • Create a project in the Google API Console.
  • Configure OAuth 2.0 credentials.
  • Request the appropriate scopes during authorization.
  • Securely store and manage access tokens and refresh tokens.

Further Resources